Publications and Downloads

The strategy paper of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) describes the approach, successes and challenges of rural development in drug-growing regions. For more than four decades, the German Government has been promoting alternative development measures in Asia, Latin America and South-Eastern Europe. Based on this experience, the BMZ has developed an integrated approach.

The publication "Raising Voices" tells the stories of smallholder women in drug crop growing areas and aims to encourage policy makers to incorporate these perspectives into drug policy strategies.

The use of stimulants often has negative consequences for consumers and their social environment. How can both health risks and related social problems be contained? What are the measures that can already achieve improvements worldwide? The GPDPD has commissioned the Dutch non-governmental organisation MAINline to analyse how harm reduction measures are implemented in different countries. The result is the „Speed Limits“-study, which, among other things, identifies nine key methods for effectively protecting consumers.

Illegal coca cultivation is one of the causes of the ongoing deforestation of Colombia's primary forests. The reasons are manifold and complex. Together with the programme on Protection of Forests and the Climate REDD+, the GPDPD presents the study "Comunidad, Bosque y Coca" (Community, Forest and Coca). It shows the connection between rainforest destruction and coca cultivation in the regions Catatumbo and Amazonía.
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Three infographics address fascinating facts: one compares the turnover of Mexican drug cartels with the funding for Alternative Development; the second compares the homicide rate in coca-growing communities in Colombia with that of a German federal state; the third graphic shows why coca farmers are no big players.
Two graphic series illustrate the precarious living situation of families who cultivate illicit crops, and the vicious circle of drug crop cultivation.
Three graphic series explain what Harm Reduction is, why it can save lives, how public health benefits from it, and why it needs to be gender-sensitive.
Why does gender matter in drug policy? Women face specific risks, and responses do not always account for their needs.
Untold damage: This graphic series puts the largest seizure of cocaine in the European Union in 2021 into an ecological perspective. It shows how many chemicals from the production of 16 tons of cocaine end up unfiltered in the soil and water in the Amazon region, where they cause ecological disaster zones.