Innovation Lab


Research, ideas and networks for sustainable drug policies

Debate on drug policy is often emotional and guided by ideology. In contrast, the GPDPD on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) advocates for evidence-based drug policies. The GPDPD has set up the Innovation Lab as a forum for new knowledge, new ideas and new networks.

International drug policy is highly dynamic. A number of countries are currently reforming their strategies. Research in this field is diverse. It promotes innovation in shaping and implementing drug policy. However, the links between the drug problem and development challenges have still not been sufficiently examined.


By initiating the Innovation Lab, the Global Partnership on Drug Policies and Development (GPDPD) aims to team up with partners from the academic community, civil society and politics to promote evidence-based approaches and innovation in global drug policy and to enhance their visibility at an international level. Here, too, the focus is on development, public health and human rights.


To this end, the GPDPD is initiating international conferences for unhindered exchange between the academic community, civil society and politicians. It supports research projects that generate innovative data and close research gaps.


The network consisting of partners such as the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Dutch non-governmental organisation MAINline, the Open Society Foundations and the University of Essex discusses and identifies solutions to dealing with problems and conflicts that arise in connection with the cultivation, trafficking and use of illegal drugs.